Perfect summer Travel shoe

I wear a pair of Loake loafers when on my Summer travels, to me the perfect shoe when travelling.

Smart enough for evening, suitable for the day with shorts and walking to the pool.

Then most importantly, slip on when the airport security want to see my feet.

P.S Mine are in Green 😀

Zip Repair Kit

Every had a zip break on a bag, a suitcase or clothes whilst travelling… nightmare. This little kit, won’t take up much space and works on just about anything ( different sizes available )

I used on a tent and worked a treat, can see no problems working on any item.

perfect all year travel shoe

Like the Loake loafer, slip on for the security check. But also a proper pair of walking shoes, they are Merrells after all.

Perfect for walking, smart enough for evening, at a push with a pair of shorts ( I have ! but I’m no style guru 😂 ) Not quite sure I’d wear to the pool though 😂😂

P.S On mine, I stained they grey bit black, so they just look like a plain black shoe.

Airport Braces 

I’ve got to that age and size. OK mostly that size when a pair of braces are more comfortable than the belt option.

But can you imagine taking off a pair of braces at security, what a palaver.

But these have heavy duty plastic clips ! Never had an issue and have worn for a couple of years now. 

P.S It’s not me in the picture 😂

The best bag I have ever bought

Now there is a bold statement ! I tend to use expandable ( still small enough for under the seat ), travelling to a destination. 

Then upack at hotel and compact as a day bag.

Too many features to mention. It is just brilliant !

P.S I have the blue one !

Fly in comfort

I used to laugh at people changing into pyjamas on long haul in economy. Not anymore, not now it’s a more regular event.

I kid you not, changing into something comfortable for a long flight will magically increase your comfort and you can still look smart in the lounge !

It’s for a very good reason Premium Business and First get Pyjamas, so why not us in the cheap seats 😀

P.S It’s definitely not me in the picture 😂😂

Belt “Not” Braces

Now, if you are not ready for the braces approach. But are still carrying a little excess baggage 😂 Then I think this belt is for you.

I have worn a few times and the buckle, sort of slides forward so it doesn’t dig into your belly.

My first choice for airport and flying comfort are the braces. But if they are not for you, then this is a great choice.

2 wheels are better than four !

If your travelling is a case of ( pardon the pun ) gliding through airports and hotel lobbys, then yes I see I see the 4 wheel option has it’s merits.

But 2 wheels, means it fits better in carry on size checkers. Plus I have always thought 4 external wheels are more prone to break and if one does, well it wonky trolley or broken heel time.

This case I bought for a friend…. and if they were still talking to me, I am sure they would say it was fantastic 😂

P.S I did go on 2 trips when my friend was using this case and they loved it. I was actually quite jealous as its very smart.

May I present my Case

Better travelled than Alan Whicker’s hat. This is one of my true loves. It has been to 6 continents and over 30 countries. Certainly doesn’t look as smart today as it does in this 2018 picture.

But it has been to the world’s finest hotels and British Airways First Class. Dragged along the streets, when I had to walk to Marrakech airport. ( Don’t ask 3.5 miles of rubble ! )

It even turned into a rucksack when the lifts broke at Covent Garden Tube.

So where can you buy this case ? Well you can’t I have looked everywhere. Mine has had major Araldite repair to the handle, its a bit mucky, scuffed and battered.

Basically its my scruffy best friend and one day it’s going to Antarctica.

The brand is Wenger and I do have a new Wenger cabin case…… but it’s not the same, is it ❤️

P.S I love Marrakech

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